안녕! Hola!
Antes de empezar con el post, les pido disculpas si alguien al leerlo se siente ofendido o no comparte mi opinion.. Simplemente es mi punto de vista despues de lo que he visto ;)
~Before start with this post, i will apologize for all those are offended by reading this or don't share my opinion.. This is just my perspective after what i saw ;)
El boom asiatico en Peru (y Latinoamerica) empieza en 2009 segun lo que he leido, pero barre con todo desde el 2011 con los k-groups, dramas, modelos etc. Teniendo muchas latinas en la espera de que sus OPPAS lleguen a su pais haciendo colas UNA SEMANA antes para poder verlos! Lo malo es que solo IDEALIZAN un estereotipo de coreanos que, la verdad es muy poco comun encontrar. Aqui la realidad es otra, y no solo lo digo yo sino hay encuentas anuales. Porque, si bien los asiaticos son super buena onda cuando van a tu pais o cuando uno viene pero solo de turista. Otra cosa es cuando vienes a radicar a su amada Corea. Un estudio realizado por el Ministerio de Igualdad y Familia coreano, que ha hecho una encuesta sobre una muestra de 2.500 personas, y se ha publicado en el Korea Times.
Asi para resumir, la conclusión a la que se llega en esta encuesta es que los coreanos “son antipáticos con los extranjeros”. Ciertamente a mi parecer esto se aplica mas para con los AJUSSIs y AJUMMAs (seniores y senioras de edad) Mas que a la NUEVA GENERACION que esta mas abierta al cambio, internacionalizacion y otros.
Volviendo al tema...
Los coreanos de entre 20-30 anios siempre estan a la espectativa de tener una "enamorada" extranjera pues de por si a ellos les encanta alardear y presumir :P (sorry chicos) pero es una cosa muy diferente cuando la cosa se torna en una RELACION SERIA y hay pensamientos de matrimonio pues el Asiatico (tanto hombre como mujer) siempre esta pendiente del que diran y la opinion de los padres. Y obviamente los padres siempre van a preferir a una coreanita sumisa, tranquila y que sabe hasta donde puede llegar a una latina gritona, loca y que pide respeto para que te respeten.
Si bien es cierto que una relacion con un asiatico es super cute ^^ pues son caballeros, detallistas y siempre estan pendientes de lo que necesita su mujer. Si tienes intenciones de matrimonio, anda haciendote la idea de lidiar con el batallon entero.
Pero no se sientan tan mal, las suegras son asi hasta con las esposas asiaticas asi que no somos las unicas sufriendo por nuestro amor jajajaja.
No piensen que solo los quiero asustar, pero ahi voy con lo que digo de Las amadas Suegras Coreanas.
Si eres novia, o ya fuiste y estas casada con el Hyung (hermano mayor) atiendete a las consecuencias pues aqui el adorable hermoso primogenito gobernara a la familia cuando el padre no este se llevara la familia a la casa y si.. aun los coreanos (de mayor edad) piensan que la nuera o esposa es tipo una "esclava personal" y los suegros tienen el derecho de decir que les parece, que no les parece, como la nuera lleva el roll de la casa y hasta de como respira jajaja.
Y cual es la reaccion del esposo? Al ellos ser criados para SIEMPRE y ANTE SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS respetar a la persona mayor... No tienen mas remedio que tratar de calmar a las dos partes sin ofender a su mamita y sin quitarle autoridad a su esposa.
~The Asian boom in Peru (and South America) starts in 2009 according what i read, but it's more commercial since 2011 with K-groups, Dramas & Models. Having so many Latin Girls waiting that their OPPAS came someday to their country and then making ONE WEEK line just to see them! The bad thing is that they just IDEALIZE a korean stereotype that, just to be sincere.. It's pretty hard to find. Here reality is different and it's not just my opinion, it's based in annual surveys. Because, it's true that Asia people it's pretty cool when they are outdoors or you are here but just to tourism. It's pretty different when u come to live to their lovely Korea! It's an study made by the Ministry of Equality and Korean Family shows a survey based on 2500 people published in the Korea Times. To resume, in the survey shows that most of koreans are "unfriendly" to foreigners. Certainly, in my opinion this is more for ajussis and ajummas (old people) than for the New Generation that are more open to changes,internationalization and others.
Going back to the main topic..
Korean man (in their 20-30)are always expecting to have a foreigner because they love to presume and boast (sorry guys :P) but it's a different thing when the relationship turns pretty serious and you are thinking about marriage because Asian people (guys and girls) are always up to what the people says and to the parents opinion. Obviously, parents are always going to prefer a korean obedient, shy girl that knows which are her limits; than a latin noisy, crazy girl that asks respect to be respected.
It's truth than a relationship with a korean it's pretty cute ^^ because they are gentlemen, has so many details and are always checking what his girl needs. If you have marriage intentions, get use to deal with EVERYTHING.
But come on, don't feel too bad, korean in laws are mean with korean girls too.. hahaha. Don't think that i just want u to freak out but this is the true about korean in laws.
If you are girlfriend, or already married to the Hyung (the oldest brother) just get ready because here, the beautiful, cute firstborn will handle with all the family when the Father is gone. And yeah... korean old fashion people thinks that being married means that they have a "personal slave" and the parents in law has the right to say whatever they think.. What they like, what they Don't like, how the wife takes the roll at home and even how they breath hahaha..
And what is the husband reaction??? They grew up to ALWAYS and OVER ALL THE THINGS respect to elder people... So they can't do anything but try to calm the two sides without offending their loved mommy and without taking out the wife authority.
Esta imagen es perfecta para la situacion.
~This image is perfect for the situation.
Y bueno, si tienes ESTA IDEA de abuelita (como la imagen de abajo)
que te alimente,engria, te haga galletitas y eso.. OLVIDALO! aqui es al revez...
~So if you have this idea for a grandma (like sponge bob) that feeds you, make u cookies and that FORGET IT! here it's the opposite
Aqui les dejo dos links de un programa de TV (Reality Show) que muestra la palabra de la Nuera vs. la palabra de la suegros.
~On the links below there is a tv program (reality show) that shows the daughter's in law word VS. the parent's in law word.
시아버지/ Suegro/ Father in law
La dulce nuera les cocina jajjangmyon o tallarines en salsa negra, y le da arroz a su suegro, el suegro le invita de su plato y la nuera le dice: Coma ud. Entonces el suegro le dice: Okay, tu sola come arroz.
~The sweet daugther in law cooks jajjangmyon or pasta in black sauce, and gives rice to the father in law. The dad invites her from his dish and she said: You eat so the dad says: Ok, then u eat rice alone.
시어머니/ Suegra/ Mother in law
Se acerca Chuseok o dia de accion de gracias, y el esposo le compra un vestido a la mama de la esposa. Justo llega la mama de el y ve el vestido y sin decir nada se lo prueba. Cuando el hijo la ve le dice: Por que te lo has puesto? es para mi suegra! Pero la nuera le dice, no suegrita quedeselo le queda muy lindo... Pero la mama de por si ya esta molesta y hace lio.
~Chuseok or Thanks Giving is near so the husband buys a dress to his mother in law. But just arrives home his mom so she saw the dress and without saying a word just puts it on. Then the son see it and says: Why u wear it? It's for my mother in law! But the daughter in law says: no no, just keep it it's pretty cute for you... But the mother in law is already mad and makes a big problem.
En fin, cabe resaltar que no todas las personas son iguales y a veces te tocan angeles en vez de demonios xD jajajaja y que suegros buenas y malas hay en todos los paises. Simplemente a mi parecer, aqui los standar de esposas son mas altos :'(.
Gracias por leerme! ^_^
~Anyways it should be mentioned that everyone is different and sometimes u have angels next to u and sometimes devils xD hahaha. and that there are good and mean parents in law in every country. I just think that, here the wifey standard are higher :'(
Thanks for reading! ^_^