Este post es sobre un par de reportajes que vi en SBS y los dos me tocaron el corazoncito <3
*This post is about 2 broadcast i watched on SBS and they touched my heart <3
El primero trata de un ninio de 6 anios que desde que se levanta toca la bateria, la cual se la regalaron a los 3 anios y desde entonces no ha parado! Tan solo escuchando una vez la cancion, la puede tocar sin problemas... 6 anios y va a karaokes para tocar con grupos de mayores.. No cabe duda que como dicen.. El arte se lleva en la sangre!
*The first its about a 6 years old kid that since he woke up plays the drum, that was given as a gift he he was 3 and since then he haven't stooped! Just by hearing a song once, he has not trouble playing it. 6 years and he loves going to karokes just to play with grown up man groups. There's no doubt that as people says... Art is in blood!
*The second touch my sensibility even more, It's about a 77 years old lady that, even though she has a glass eye, not studying for painting or even read about it, she paints like Vicent van Gogh's style. At the end of the broadcast they took her paints and show at an Art Gallery in Busan (i am not going to lie, i got really emotional) And this show us that age, problems or discapacities don't matter when it's about art.
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